<p>The automation of operations is particularly effective when you
have to repeat a sequence of actions on a regular basis. For example,
developing a specific project on a day-to-day basis and having to make a <A class=glossterm x-use-popup=#POPUP33722 x-popup-type=expanding href='javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)' id=HotSpot33722>backup</A><SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">kadovTextPopupInit('HotSpot33722');</SCRIPT>
every evening so as not to lose the valuable data, you will really appreciate,
when this kind of routine operations will be carried out automatically without
your participation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Another aspect of any automation process is that it allows
an optimization of your computerÆs work-load. This is especially important when
operations require a considerable amount of computer resources û processor
time, memory and more. A number of tasks, which can decrease the performance,
can be run during the night or whenever the computer has the least work-load to
The program has a special tool for scheduling. You can set out a timetable for any
operation and it will start at a specified time without interrupting your
<P>The term backup originates from the time when the best way to protect valuable information was to store it in form of archives on external media. It's become now a general notion to mean making duplications of data for protection purposes.</P>
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<p id=p41
style="color: #808000;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;">Copyright(C) 1998-2008 Paragon Technologie